To Begin, begin.
"To Begin, Begin."
It was something our hearts knew they needed before our brains could understand.
And when Kristen and I got married 11 years ago, I think we subconsciously gave each other“permission” to live with a certain recklessness that had eluded us when we weren't together. Not in the dangerous sense necessarily. What I'm talking about is more a freedom to completely and totally sell out to something with the full encouragement from someone that gets you. We push each other to go for it and it just flat out works for us.
Every time we fall away from this ideology our lives just don’t seem to make sense. We get bogged down and everything feels just… wrong. So when Kris said she wanted to learn to ride her own bike, everything kind of balanced out and made sense again.
We’ve lived within the brilliance of William Wordsworth for so long. “To begin, begin.” In so many other words, we’ve said this very phrase to each other so many times. It’s an encouragement. It’s a dare. It's our language. "If you want to go for something, first off, just do it. Secondly, I have your back."
So now we've made our way out of the heat in Texas and up to New England. We just spent the past 4 days playing around in New Hampshire's White Mountains and it was spectacular. Kristen was challenged with mountain winds and dirt and gravel roads and she absolutely killed it. The Ducati even took its first spill which made me weirdly even more proud of her (don't worry, it was at a standstill in the mud).
We also found the most incredible free campsite on the north side of the park. 10 miles down a gravel road and so isolated. Such a great find on a busy 4th of July weekend.
Crawford Notch is super cool. I think we may have to come back through to get some more shots.
So we got the Triumph serviced this afternoon, we're getting a much needed shower tonight and we'll head up to Canada tomorrow for some more riding.
Life is good.